

What is Pointy Stick Games?

As I'm sure many of you can relate, COVID changed the course of our lives. Since we were no longer stuck in traffic, waiting in line at stores or attending any public events we had more free time than ever and only a small group of close family members with which to spend it.

As we swiftly burned through all of the board games in our closet and then started to burn through the money in our wallets buying new games to try, we did the only thing we could. We started making our own.

We quickly discovered that we loved the game making process as much as we love playing games and it brought us even closer together as a family than we'd ever been.

So who are we?

Two sisters, Julie and Leah, and their husbands who are both named Jeremy.

Luckily we each brought our own unique skills table and together we handle everything from graphic design to sales and marketing, packing and shipping logistics to website development and video production.

So we really are a family run game company, and we've made it our mission to create games that bring people together, to laugh, to smile and share a memorable evening. Everything we make is designed to capture those moments and we know that once you've played one of our games you'll want to share those experiences with others just as much as we look forward to sharing them with you.

From all of us at the Pointy Stick family,
Happy Gaming!

Pointy Stick Games

Meet the family

If you like our weird and wonderful artwork, it was probably this guy. If you don't, then he'll probably tell you it was someone's elses.

If you're talking to someone in person about our games or on the phone, or via email or morse-code, it's probably him.

Did the rules make sense? Did the game have all of it's pieces? Did the advertisement look good? Never underestimate the importance of quality control.

Making sure the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed. If there's an official form that needs to be signed, sealed and delivered, she's on it.