
Kadoova Dash

For 2 to 6 players

The goal of the game is simple, roll your way to 10,000 points first, and stay there ahead of the other players. The heart of the game however is really all about using your cards to effectively get in the other player's way and stop them from getting there before you or steal their points if they get to 10,000 first.

There are dozens of unique cards in the game which you can use to your own strategic advantage, and many of them can be played at any point during the game, even when it's not your turn! Maybe you're in the lead and want to slow down your nearest opponent so you play a card that makes them re-roll a Straight. Perhaps you've been behind for much of the game, but you've held on to a card like Tax Time and you give it to the lead player just after they've hit 10,000. They could end up losing thousands of points and give you a chance to swoop in and steal the game.

The tides of fortune can turn swiftly in your advantage if you press your luck at just the right time, or better yet, you play your cards to their fullest and you don't need any of that fickle lucky.

Roll dice, play cards, score points, stop other players from scoring points, steal their cards, ruin friendships, destroy relationships, fun for the whole family!

Kadoova Dash

It's a race to 10,000 but even after you've made it, the game can be stolen right out from under you

"Honestly, of this style of game...this is the best one that I've ever played."
Adam from Bower's Game Corner

Lost your instructions?
Don't worry, it happens, but you can grab a new copy below:

Action Shots
Open Box with Cards Open Box With Cards Overhead Shot The game during play
Jeremy Meyers
Julie Meyers

Jeremy Meyers

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The Felonry - Fully Funded!

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The Felonry recently had a successful launch on Kickstarter and we are in the process of putting the finishing touches on the game before sending it off for the first print run.